Campaign launched to reopen historic Plymouth Fish Market after sudden closure


The article below is from the ITV News West Country article here.

“ A campaign has been launched to reopen Plymouth's historic fish market which closed suddenly last month. Fish landed in Plymouth is now taken by lorry to Brixham or Newlyn to be sold at auction and then much of it is driven back to Plymouth again.

The Plymouth Fishing and Seafood Association is putting together a co-operative to get the market back up and running as they say it is a vital resource for the city.

PFSA spokesperson Edward Baker said they are confident they can make it a success. He said, "We are here to ensure the long term sustainability of fishing in Plymouth."

"Plymouth has a reputation for top quality day boat fish and we need to make sure that it can stay that way and that means landing it and selling it on the same day."

The cooperative needs support and investment to make it a success, with an initial startup of about £400,000.

Fish Merchant Rikki Down said: "If we didn't have hope that we would be successful I don't think we would be pushing as hard as we are. We are trying as hard as we can."

"It is what Plymouth was built on. Fish have been landed in Sutton pool for hundreds of years so not having a market here seems crazy."

Sutton Harbour Group, which owns the buildings has said it is committed to the re-establishment of the fish market as quickly as possible.

In a statement it said: "The company is committed to working with the fishing industry and its various members to “weather this storm”, with the hope and intention of emerging from it together, with a stronger and enhanced fish market operation looking to the future."


recently caught Seafood at: Supha’s


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